1. Rooted Phone
2. Busybox installed
3. Mac Address Ghost app
4. A brain
I am not responsible for bricked devices, dead
SD cards, thermonuclear war, or you getting
fired because the alarm app failed. Please do
some research if you have any questions before
modifying your phone. YOU are choosing to
make these modifications, and if you point the
finger at me for messing up your device, I will
laugh at you. Hard. A lot.
About the requirements.
1.You need to root your device.
In order to do that search Google with - insert
your device's model number here- root. Or you
can search XDA, which is where Google will
probably lead you to.
2.You need to have busybox installed. Most
custom ROMS already have it installed. But if
you don't have it installed this app here does an
awesome job and doesn't require an internet
connection. Just select the latest version and
install it. {{{ BUSYBOX }}}
3. You need this app here {{{ MaC Ghost }}}
Follow these exactly or it won't work.
1. Open the Mac Address Ghost app
2. Click on the wrench icon on the right.
3. Click on add.
4. Now fill in the blanks
The profile name doesn't matter.
In the 2nd blank put in wlan0 if you have a
newer phone. If it doesn't work later, put in
eth0 and it should work.
In the 3rd blank put in the mac address you
want to change to. It will automatically
capitalize and input colons.
5. Now click OK and save.
6. Close the app.
7. Open your wifi settings.
8. Long press on the network you want to
connect to and click forget. If the option to
forget doesn't show up its because it's already
forgotten .
9. Open Mac Address Ghost again.
10 . click on the big button and select your
address from the list (probably the first one)
11. Press the button that says "Classic"
12. This is important. You will be prompted to
give superuser permissions to Mac Address
Ghost. If you have The old Superuser that looks
like this then check
remember. If you have the new ClockworkMod
superuser then check "This time only".
13. the app will then open wifi settings where
you can select the appropriate network to
connect to.
The new mac address is temporary and only
lasts till you turn wifi off or reboot.
To change your mac address again repeat
process starting with step 7.
1. Rooted Phone
2. Busybox installed
3. Mac Address Ghost app
4. A brain
I am not responsible for bricked devices, dead
SD cards, thermonuclear war, or you getting
fired because the alarm app failed. Please do
some research if you have any questions before
modifying your phone. YOU are choosing to
make these modifications, and if you point the
finger at me for messing up your device, I will
laugh at you. Hard. A lot.
About the requirements.
1.You need to root your device.
In order to do that search Google with - insert
your device's model number here- root. Or you
can search XDA, which is where Google will
probably lead you to.
2.You need to have busybox installed. Most
custom ROMS already have it installed. But if
you don't have it installed this app here does an
awesome job and doesn't require an internet
connection. Just select the latest version and
install it. {{{ BUSYBOX }}}
3. You need this app here {{{ MaC Ghost }}}
Follow these exactly or it won't work.
1. Open the Mac Address Ghost app
2. Click on the wrench icon on the right.
3. Click on add.
4. Now fill in the blanks
The profile name doesn't matter.
In the 2nd blank put in wlan0 if you have a
newer phone. If it doesn't work later, put in
eth0 and it should work.
In the 3rd blank put in the mac address you
want to change to. It will automatically
capitalize and input colons.
5. Now click OK and save.
6. Close the app.
7. Open your wifi settings.
8. Long press on the network you want to
connect to and click forget. If the option to
forget doesn't show up its because it's already
forgotten .
9. Open Mac Address Ghost again.
10 . click on the big button and select your
address from the list (probably the first one)
11. Press the button that says "Classic"
12. This is important. You will be prompted to
give superuser permissions to Mac Address
Ghost. If you have The old Superuser that looks
like this then check
remember. If you have the new ClockworkMod
superuser then check "This time only".
13. the app will then open wifi settings where
you can select the appropriate network to
connect to.
The new mac address is temporary and only
lasts till you turn wifi off or reboot.
To change your mac address again repeat
process starting with step 7.